NEW: We have transitioned our hardcopy applications to an online system.
Certified Quality Mark / CONQUAS
Supervisor and Manager Schemes
With effect from 1 July 2021, The Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL) has officially taken over the administration of the Certified Quality Mark / CONQUAS Supervisor and Manager Schemes (CQMS/CCQS/CQMM/CCQM) from the Building and Construction Industry (BCA) with the objective of playing a bigger role in building the industry’s capabilities. SCAL will continue the Certified Quality Mark/ CONQUAS Supervisor and Manager Schemes administration from 30 June 2023 to 29 June 2026.
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Introduced by BCA in January 2007, the certified Quality Mark/CONQUAS supervisor and manager schemes were launched to accord recognition to construction personnel who are instrumental in ensuring and delivering projects of high quality as reflected in their high CONQUAS score projects. The schemes are targeted at project managers/engineers/ supervisors that performed QA/QC role to provide a measure on the professional progress of these construction quality personnel. The desired outcome from these schemes was to build up a substantial pool of quality personnel to help raise the overall workmanship quality of the industry.
There are two levels of recognition:
• CONQUAS Supervisor or Manager – Entry level
• Quality Mark Supervisor or Manager – High achiever level
Personnel can upgrade from one level to the other when the requirements are met. Download the FAQ
Who can Apply
• Supervisor Scheme – Foremen and supervisors involved in site supervision activities
• Manager Scheme – Engineers and other building related professionals, including project managers on site
How Do Certified Personnel Benefit?
• Award of bonus point to projects that employ certified personnel, subject to requirements being met (please refer to the CONQUAS manual for details)
• Added market value, as the certification is recognition of their training and achievements in delivering high quality projects
• Discounted rates for BCA's quality seminars and courses held at BCA Academy

Assessment Criteria
Tables 1 and 2 outline the criteria for certification. The requirements for both Supervisor and Manager Schemes are similar except for entry qualifications, length of qualifying experience and for Managers – the need to attend the 3-day Certified QM/CONQUAS Manager course at SCAL Academy. Please refer to link
here for course details.
Table 1. Qualifications and Experience
Title of Scheme
Certified CONQUAS Supervisor (CCQS) Certified Quality Mark Supervisor (CQMS)
Certified CONQUAS Manager (CCQM) Certified Quality Mark Manager (CQMM)
Possess any ONE of the following recognised qualifications:
WDA Employability Skills System Level 5 in Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN 5)
2 GCE O levels in English (G1-8) and Mathematics (G1-8) 2 GCE N levels in English(G1-5) and Mathematics (G1-5)
CITI Advanced Builder Certificate
National Building Qualification (NBQ) in Project Supervision
Construction Trade Foreman Certificate
Possess any ONE of the following recognised qualifications: -
University Degree or equivalent; or
Polytechnic Diploma or equivalent
Min years of construction related experience
5 years
5 years for Degree holders and 8 years for Diploma holders
Position / Designation
Foreman, Supervisor, Senior Foreman, Senior Supervisor
Engineer or above
Complete CONQUAS training workshop for Developers/Consultants/Builders or customised CONQUAS training workshop#
Complete Certified QM / CONQUAS Manager course#
#For more details on the courses, please visit the SCAL Academy website.
Table 2. Training and Projects Performance
Certified CONQUAS Supervisor (CCQS) Certified CONQUAS Manager (CCQM)
Certified Quality Mark Supervisor (CQMS) Certified Quality Mark Manager (CQMM)
Completed Good Industry Practices Guide workshops#
At least 3 trades
[compulsory trade:
Waterproofing to Internal Wet Areas]
At least 6 trades
[compulsory trades:
Waterproofing to Internal Wet Areas, Aluminium Windows, Marble/Granite/Ceramic Tiling (counted as 2 trades) and
Timber Flooring]
Min CONQUAS projects completed
Min Quality Mark projects completed
Not necessary
Min CONQUAS score for at least 1 project completed in or after year 2004
87 points (82 points^)
90 Points
#For more details on the courses, please visit the BCA Academy website.
^ This refers to the architectural score for overseas applications.
Maintaining Certification
Certificates are valid for 3 years. Application for renewal should be submitted at least 2 months before expiry of the certificate. To maintain certification, applicants must have demonstrated consistent performance in delivering high quality projects. The renewal criteria are as follows:
Certified CONQUAS Supervisor (CCQS) Certified CONQUAS Manager (CCQM)
Certified Quality Mark Supervisor (CQMS) Certified Quality Mark Manager (CQMM)
Minimum CONQUAS score for at least 1 project in the 3 years preceding the expiry date of the certificate
85 points (80 points^^)
88 points**
**If the score is between CQMS/CQMM and CCQS/CQMM requirements, certification will be renewed as CCQS or CCQM respectively.
^^This refers to the architectural score for overseas CONQUAS Manager's certificate renewal.
Application Process
Applicants are required to complete an application form* which they will then be evaluated and assessed by a panel, and the decision by the panel in award or renewal of certification is final. SCAL is not obliged or bound to give any reason for not awarding or renewing the certification. There is an application / renewal fee of S$150/3 years (before GST).
*As of 9 July 2024, we are transitioning from traditional hardcopy applications to a more efficient and streamlined online application system. All new applications and renewals for CONQUAS will only be available for submission ONLINE.