At SCAL, we are committed to providing members with a safe online experience and protection from phishing scams.

With the recent rise in phishing scams that involve digital communications such as fake SMSes, e-mails and WhatsApp and other instant messaging apps, SCAL would like to remind members to always verify any links before clicking them, even when it links to websites that closely resemble that of banks, government authorities or perhaps the SCAL website.

SCAL will not send clickable links in SMSes, WhatsApp and other instant messaging apps sent to members asking for payments or for personal information such as bank details. This is also aligned with guidance by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and Association of Banks in Singapore.

Members are encouraged to be alert to suspicious SMSes, e-mails and WhatsApp and other instant messaging apps that may contain:

  • Instructions to click on unsecured links or download attachments for more information as above
  • Clickable links directing to government websites without the ”” domain
  • Requests for personal information, and bank account details and passwords

Members are reminded to never provide any personal, credit card or bank account details over SMS, e-mail, WhatsApp or instant messaging app, or to make any payments to unidentified third party bank accounts. Members are also encouraged to regularly review their threshold for funds transfer transactions.

Any SCAL members who believe they have been affected by phishing scams are advised to lodge a police report immediately.

We have a dedicated SCAL membership team to deal with any members' feedback on suspicious e-mails or SMSes which appear to be sent from SCAL. Members who have such concerns are strongly encouraged to reach out to us at 6278 9577.

At SCAL, members' concerns and online safety are our top priority.