Enhancing Precast Construction - A Superior Alternative to Cast-in-Situ Stitch Joints

SCAL Events 6-Mar-2025

The revolutionary "PIC Connection System" by Precast India Connections Pvt. Ltd. (PICPL) is a groundbreaking innovation transforming precast construction in India and Europe. Showcased for the first time in Singapore in September 2024, the PIC system has attracted strong interest from key industry stakeholders for its proven benefits in boosting productivity, reducing labour and costs, minimising on-site work, and enhancing safety.

What is the PIC Connection System?

Watch the video below to understand how PIC simplifies precast connections and improves efficiency!

Be among the first to witness its game-changing capabilities!

SCAL is pleased to partner with PIC to showcase this breakthrough to our members. This session will provide insights into the system’s technical benefits, local implementation strategies, and opportunities for contractors, consultants, and precasters.  Event details as below:

  • 6 March 2025 (Thursday), 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • SCAL Construction House, 1 Bukit Merah Lane 2, S159760
  • Complimentary (for SCAL members only)
*Seats are limited and will be reserved for SCAL members who are pre-casters or general contractors holding specific job functions. 


Time      Programme      Speaker          
05:30 PM -6:00 PM       Event registration                     
06:00 PM - 6:05 PM Welcome Remarks  SCAL
06:05 PM - 6:25 PM Ideation, Evolution and Implementation of a Patented Horizontal Connection
between Precast Elements
Mr Bonis
Managing Director
06:25 PM - 06:45 PM Networking Dinner
Productivity Comparison of PIC vs Existing Cast-in-Situ connection Mr Bonis
Managing Director
06:45 PM - 07:30 PM Design Comparison/Sufficiency of PIC as per Eurocodes in Singapore
Mr Kapilesh Bhate
Managing Director
07:30 PM Networking      

Who should attend:

SCAL Members who are precasters and general contractors performing in the following job functions:

  • C-Level Executive
  • Project Director
  • Construction Director 
  • Production/Installation/QC Manager

Important note:

  • As spots are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, registration is reserved for SCAL members only. Please refer to the SCAL member directory HERE to check if your company is a SCAL member.
  • Seats are limited and will be prioritised for SCAL members who are pre-casters or general contractors in relevant job functions. 
  • Due to space constraints, each company may register a maximum of two participants.
  • SCAL reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or modify the venue, date, and time of the course in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Register for your spot now via the form below: